Amanda Butler Amanda Butler

Get to Know Me…Amanda

Hey! I’m glad to see you’ve stumbled across my website. Welcome! You’ve reached a place of creating connections with others through communication. In this space I am going to give you a glimpse into what it’s like navigating the world after college in a pandemic, in a world that feels like it is crumbling. You may also get a glimpse into my personal life, hobbies, and passions.

What a year 2021 was. For the world overall it was horrible, so many bad things happened. But in my personal life so much good happened. I got engaged, graduated college, and bought my first home! The only thing missing is a direction in my career path. I graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelors degree in communications, concentrating in PR and advertising. Now what do I do with that? There are so many options that I don’t even know. You would think that school would’ve prepared me for this, but given the circumstances that most of my college experience was done under, that was the least of anyones worries. We were more concerned about just making it to the end. Shit I didn’t even get to walk across the stage. Oops probably shouldn’t talk like that on a page that’s supposed to be professional. Oh that’s the other I didn’t mention, I am still learning how to navigate the professional world and while doing that I am realizing there is more behind the curtain than the average person knows. If you’ve worked in corporate America you know what I mean.

That’s all I have for this first post but please join my on my journey as I am exploring and discovering the world after school.

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